Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Well i was at Changi General Hospital in the early morning at 8.30am yesterday!!! I was there for my Endoscopy. Where the doctors stuff the tube like camera into the mouth or ass and snap picture inside your body... but for me its by mouth and of course not sharing the same equipment.. muhahaha imagine something that is stuff into your ass then into your mouth again ?? GROSS!!! :p

Hmmm before you think of anything crazy... they fed me some stuff to numb my throat and inject anaestatic to put me to sleep first then inserting it into my mouth. So how was the feeling like...? Its like you went into a dream where something was force into your mouth. I think i did put a little struggle to it. Lol. The doctor told me it takes about 5-10mins. When i woke up, i was back to the room where i was first at. Had to stayed there for 2 hours before i can leave. Till now i still got the feeling of something in my throat.

Later that i went to apply for my studies at Temasek Poly!!!

1st : Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management at TP
2nd : Diploma in Leisure & Resort Management at TP
3rd : Diploma in Internet & Multimedia Development at TP
4th : Diploma in Business Management at NYP
5th : Diploma in Business Information Technology at TP

Surprising that i put B.I.T in last place since i finish my ITE with a cert in B.I.T

went back home after all this. Thats how i spent my Valentine's Day :p

and oh yes not forgetting...

Belated Happy Valentine's Day

Monday, February 06, 2006

Tomorrow marks a new day in navy life because i just pass out from the General Naval Training Centre (GNTC). I will be reporting back to the same place but learning something new.

My new vocation is naval material assistance (NMA) something like storeman. It will be a 3 weeks course. After this i'm not really sure where i'm going to be posted to and what my working hours are. What i hear was a 8-5 job which i really hope is it...

Hmmm anyway today worship service was FANTASTIC with Delirious. COOL!!! WONDERFUL!!! I wish they would come more often possible? :P

Friday, February 03, 2006

Proverbs came up by children

A first grade teacher collected well known proverbs. She had twenty-fivestudents in her class and she presented each child in her class the 1st half of a proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb. It's hard to believe these were actually done by first graders. Their insight may surprise you. While reading these, keep in mind that these are first graders..... 6-year-olds, because the last one is classic! (#25)

1. Don't change horses...................... until they stop running.

2. Strike while the ................. bug is close.

3. It's always darkest before....... Daylight Saving Time.

4. Never underestimate the power of....... termites.

5. You can lead a horse to water but........ how?

6. Don't bite the hand that ................... looks dirty.

7. No news.................................. impossible.

8. A miss is as good as a.................... Mr.

9. You can't teach an old dog new..... math.

10. If you lie down with dogs, you'll....... stink in the morning.

11. Love all, trust ............... me.

12. The pen is mightier than the .......... pigs.

13. An idle mind is ............. the best way to relax.

14. Where there's smoke there's ...... pollution.

15. Happy the bride who ............... gets all the presents.

16. A penny saved is ............... not much.

17. Two's company, three's ................ the Musketeers.

18. Don't put off till tomorrow what......... you put on to go to bed.

19. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and ..... you have to blow your nose.

20. There are none so bl ind as........... Stevie Wonder.

21. Children should be seen and not............. spanked or grounded.

22. If at first you don't succeed.................. get new batteries.

23. You get out of something only what you........... see in the picture on the box.

24. When the blind lead the blind...... get out of the way.

And the WINNER and last one!

25. Better late than...... pregnant.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Belated Happy Chinese New Year to all !!!