Thursday, August 04, 2005

Amazing !!! Almost a month i did not blog. *tsk tsk*

Blogging used to be almost a daily affair for me but now its more based on my mood not laziness. Given only Saturday and Sunday after booking out roughly 30 hours of free time, its rather hard to get into the right frame of mind.

There are certain requirements before i start blogging;
  • Blogging usually begins at night because its too bright in the afternoon and quieter at night.

  • Listening to slow instrument song to get into the right mood and concentrate.

  • Doesn't wished to be peep at when typing blog.

Rubbish? Nah its just me.

Was going through all my fellow blogger's blog. Some had stop, some had continued and some just started from where they last stop few months ago. I see that everyone is doing not bad. Saw a couple of mushy mushy tag missing their boyfriend whom are serving their NS. Of course i'm jealous. Hahaha.

Arul and Weihao waiting to be sent into NS. 25 August and 9 September respectively. Junhan just got back from a 5 day outfield. Wonderful food ration huh Junhan? Arul will be joining the Navy. Yay got someone to disturb !!!

Right now i'm on the road to recovering from chickenpox. Of all the years, why must it land when i'm serving NS? Basic Military Training (BMT) is a 10 weeks course which i'm in now. I got it on the 8th week. Couple weeks more to Pass Out Parade (POP) where love ones will watch you march into the parade square. After that they will help you don the baret as a sign of completing BMT. During this 2 weeks, i missed out important lessons so chances of me having to recourse is HIGH, means to go throught the 10 weeks of BMT again... the feeling of recourse is damm sad. Watching your campmates moving to the next stage of NS but i getting "retain". Not that i really mind but its the going through the same old shit again. (there's a Navy song with that sentences same old shit again)

Left Toe Right Toe

left toe right toe keep up the tempo
left toe right toe ayoayo ah
here we go again
same old shit again
up and down this avenue
few more days to book out day
book out, book out, book out day
any sweat?
no sweat
chicken feet
haha all the way

I remember only 2 song because for this is the song we need to sing when we book out althought i miss out a couple of lines. Another song is usually sang when we march on the spot. Eh forgotten whats the malay command to march on the spot... any idea?

We Shall Not Be Move

we shall not be move,
we shall not be move,
we from navy,
we shall not be move
just like the tree standing by the waterfront,
bmt, bmt, all the way
we like it here, we like it here
we found ourselves a home, a home, a home sweet home.

All the command given starts on the left foot so is the song. After finishing this song, we are suppose to bang the right boot together as one. A very soild bang, one sound only. After weeks of training, if the platoon can bang together as one, you can feel that the platoon achieved something. Thats how i feel. The fruit of labour.

Let me recall what i did...

Firing Range

How long does it take from one end of Singapore to the other end by bus? Changi to Tuas? Geez thats the best time to GET YOUR SLEEP in the AIR-CON BUS BACK AND FRO for three days and one for dry practise. *cheers* What more can you ask for? Good welfare. Haha. The range was somewhere around Tuas or is it not Tuas? Arghh given time to sleep who cares where are we going... You don't get many chances of sleeping while in camp.

Back to the range. Kinda exciting. We were shooting from a distance of 100m. There were day and night shooting means we were there for two whole day having to go back camp late at night and coming back in the morning!!! We had to wear no. 4 long sleeve with Standard Battle Order (SBO) *where you put your ammo cargitch, 2 water bottle, rope, rifle cleaning kit and poncho* and our "wife" AR 15 rifle. This are the postion we are suppose to shoot in. Sitting, standing, prone with support and prone without support. The recoil from the rifle is not hard. Its the firing sound from your neighbour makes you lose concentration. ITS LOUD even with ear plugs on.

During the night shoot, we were given red headed bullets. What it does is when you fire there's a red beam shooting towards where you're shooting. Just like Starwar fighter jets. At night, you can see the different lane shooting red beam out. A nice sight.

Standard Obstacle Course (SOC)

There's one week consist of SOC only from morning to noon. Whats SOC? We had to pass 11 obstacle course at a given time. Within 10min 29 sec and passing all the stations. We had to run 600m then do the 11 stations and then run another 700m ot complete it. The 11 station was no easy task. The first 5-6 station depends on the upper body and the rest on the lower body. I suppose this is where you can get injury easily even if you know the safety rules. Any mislanding from the station might sprain your ankle or worse still hurt your spine. So take care my fellow friends when you're doing this.

Route March

I completed my 4 and 8 km route march. I tell you DAMM SHIOK!!! Carrying Full Battle Order. (FBO) It includes the SBO, a field pack (something like a backpack) and rifle.

Ok Let's see what does it contain inside !?

Field pack consists of 5 1.5 litre of water bottle filled with water. NO water bubble MUST be seen in it.

SBO consists of 2 full 1 litre water bottle for drinking, rope, poncho, cleaning kit, 4 sand can fill to the brim. When shake it must NOT have sound. (there a trick to prevent sound from coming out)

No. 4 long sleeves, helmet and rifle sling onto neck.

Actually we din't really march but walk in 2 single rows. When we walk, we follow the Platoon Commander's(PC) pace and it during the afternoon under the hot sun. The front men following the PC or the men behind you HAS to keep up if not there's a big gap between. When the PC blow the whistle, everyone has to touch the person's field pack infront of him. If there's gaps, that means you have to run to touch the field pack. Walking and running will cause you to be more tire. Thats the reason why we need to sing during route march. Instead of thinking you're tire and the heavy load, it helps you to think of the singing only. We had to sing all the way till the route march ends so imagine everyones voice by then. All have the soreness on the throat, sometime when you speak no sound coming out. Happened on me!

So guys KEEP up the pace or you'll have to come back again for the route march if you fall out. *thats for the Navy, the rest i'm not sure* Oh yes, if you can handle more weights then you're carrying, go help a soldier thatis in need of help by carrying some of his stuff. I did that so can you.

After the 8km, that was the last time we were going to wear No. 4 again expect for lunch time. When we came back, we had to sing the song "we shall not be move". Marching on the spot singing LOUD *remember the sore on the throat and now this -.-* and banging the boot together. Will, it was not up to perfect but near perfect. Everyone was drenched including the stuff we were carrying soaking with sweat.

The emtional level was high !!! A pround moment to everyone who had completed the route march. From here, what i can see was the fighting spirit, discipline, care for soldiers, and having to endurance all this. Good job guys, we did it!!!

Enjoy reading... i wish i could add photos to it but we are not allowed to bring in camera in. The view at changi naval headquarter is really wonderful. Maybe when i pass out parada that time i'll invite those who wanna come. Nice sea view and sea breeze. Simply love it !!! *cheers*

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