Sunday, November 06, 2005

10 more days to P.O.P !!!

Its drawing closer and closer. What can i say? 2 years of national service, i already spent about half a year in BMT. What a joke but i still love BMT! Seriously! Wonderful people there training us. I'm not typing this because they are reading it but its a FACT!

I should have passed out last batch. If i were to compare this and last batch. I'll definitely join last batch. To me, its really obvious where the standard is. No i'm not complain. Just have to suck thumb all the way or maybe 2 thumbs!!!

I should have just kept quiet all the time for this batch. Let them suffer, suffer and suffer. Maybe telling them so much about meeting the standard was a bad idea. Should have let them earned it the hard way. Let the Officers squeeze the standard out from them. Yes, it may seems that i sound cruel. If the Officer never told me to "watch or lead" them. I would have given up hope somewhere and let them fool around.

So what i'm an OOC nor Gold in IPPT nor passed my SOC nor anything? I din't even say the word OOC as something to pressure them. But they will say OOC big fuck ah? What i did was just telling them what can be done and what cannot be done. Is this the kind of respect i get? Personally i don't take it as a joke at all.

Oh well, i suppose not passing out with last batch was one of my regrets.

P.S. I'm not blaming anyone here. Just some thought that i was thinking about. Or maybe what i said can change you guys?

Got this whole thing from my Officer's Blog.

Quote of the day:

"In life, changing yourself works; changing others don't."

Agree with the first half but not so the other half. It's not that it doesn't work but it is a lot harder. However, we all have the power to INFLUENCE others to change, thus encouraging them to change themselves. If not, how do we qualify the need for teachers and instructors.

Talking about Influence... maybe if i got a few chocolate bars (Officer ranks) on my shoulders thats might work?

TIME TO BOOK IN!!! Will blog my last sunday sentosa outing this coming thursday night i think.. need to go for medical scanning on Friday morning..

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